User Profile - Batmanstan

ID 95852180
Level User (100)
Points 7771287 (Rank 2275)
Messages sent 311 (Rank 208819)
Last seen 2025-02-21 01:32:08.128127+00:00
Last active in chat 2025-01-29 22:55:26.506155+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 5 months and 14 days
Time spent in offline chat 1 month and 4 days
Permabanned on schnozebot No

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 7009048
Roulettes amount 19
Profit 6392680
Winrate 78.95%
Biggest winstreak 7
Biggest losestreak 2
Biggest win 3884453
Biggest loss -151142

Roulette history

Time Diff
2025-01-29 00:43:25.036864+00:00 3884453
2025-01-29 00:36:48.970968+00:00 1942225
2025-01-27 04:07:00.865239+00:00 388409
2023-09-03 04:17:43.457746+00:00 185667
2023-01-29 00:14:07.968344+00:00 90009
2022-07-10 01:27:35.762654+00:00 19164
2022-06-09 00:04:53.788545+00:00 4574
2022-05-21 02:12:59.501021+00:00 -5360
2022-05-01 03:19:49.717990+00:00 -151142
2022-04-29 20:35:45.188915+00:00 75296
2022-02-07 21:35:03.230900+00:00 21218
2022-01-25 03:31:04.174974+00:00 8047
2022-01-01 04:47:11.015838+00:00 -14267
2021-12-09 22:07:05.709458+00:00 3125
2021-12-09 21:33:58.962083+00:00 1558
2021-12-09 21:33:16.611855+00:00 779
2021-12-08 21:40:00.424160+00:00 -137415
2021-12-08 21:39:17.268292+00:00 45804
2021-12-08 21:38:41.430857+00:00 30536