User Profile - Fayttt

Username Fayttt
ID 18412812
Level User (100)
Points 9157853 (Rank 9)
Messages sent 6936 (Rank 19009)
Last seen 2024-10-16 15:08:04.095125+00:00
Last active in chat 2024-08-27 00:44:33.892123+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 1 year and 1 month
Time spent in offline chat 2 years and 2 months
Permabanned on schnozebot No

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 12966199
Roulettes amount 16
Profit 8281961
Winrate 56.25%
Biggest winstreak 5
Biggest losestreak 2
Biggest win 5069672
Biggest loss -1014217

Roulette history

Time Diff
2024-01-20 23:41:12.686300+00:00 -1014217
2024-01-16 01:51:20.336868+00:00 5069672
2024-01-11 18:37:24.887739+00:00 2521123
2024-01-09 21:10:37.373654+00:00 231420
2024-01-05 21:59:08.824829+00:00 660673
2024-01-05 19:33:09.635940+00:00 680086
2023-12-25 22:31:00.834754+00:00 -107275
2023-12-23 00:08:57.906100+00:00 -458994
2023-05-22 06:34:52.221821+00:00 236339
2023-03-22 04:37:58.228957+00:00 -126529
2023-02-14 02:05:01.067168+00:00 620079
2022-12-02 04:36:41.478163+00:00 -565738
2022-11-21 07:23:33.742380+00:00 22051
2022-11-16 04:38:53.862657+00:00 -11103
2022-11-11 23:59:08.069144+00:00 -58263
2022-11-11 23:55:35.974829+00:00 582637