User Profile - ItsRymo
Username | ItsRymo |
ID | 94589205 |
Level | User (100) |
Points | 4974723 (Rank 23) |
Messages sent | 5607 (Rank 26771) |
Last seen | 2024-12-03 03:28:07.287113+00:00 |
Last active in chat | 2024-12-03 03:05:33.186424+00:00 |
Time spent watching the stream | 2 months and 20 days |
Time spent in offline chat | 19 days and 3 hours |
Permabanned on schnozebot | No |
Roulette stats
Total points rouletted for | 4865611 |
Roulettes amount | 7 |
Profit | 4865611 |
Winrate | 100.00% |
Biggest winstreak | 7 |
Biggest losestreak | 0 |
Biggest win | 2462859 |
Roulette history
Time | Diff |
2023-02-11 14:41:10.777654+00:00 | 2462859 |
2023-01-14 23:03:34.324241+00:00 | 1228701 |
2022-11-11 23:58:26.302648+00:00 | 608164 |
2022-11-11 23:58:03.911477+00:00 | 304082 |
2022-11-11 23:57:25.014805+00:00 | 152041 |
2022-10-21 05:05:40.568698+00:00 | 73177 |
2022-10-20 23:29:05.680207+00:00 | 36587 |