User Profile - JoyisSad

Username JoyisSad
ID 185743881
Level User (100)
Points 4635733 (Rank 25)
Messages sent 2309 (Rank 52049)
Last seen 2024-06-01 01:29:09.039805+00:00
Last active in chat 2024-04-05 01:01:36.995835+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 4 months and 1 day
Time spent in offline chat 2 months and 9 days
Permabanned on schnozebot No

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 4742303
Roulettes amount 35
Profit 4635361
Winrate 57.14%
Biggest winstreak 7
Biggest losestreak 2
Biggest win 2316746
Biggest loss -26510

Roulette history

Time Diff
2023-12-26 01:58:32.152437+00:00 2316746
2021-12-24 17:49:03.864622+00:00 1
2021-12-21 17:10:49.328626+00:00 1164472
2021-12-21 17:10:37.981291+00:00 -1
2021-12-21 17:10:22.221569+00:00 -10
2021-12-21 17:09:38.858781+00:00 1
2021-12-13 07:22:29.986570+00:00 580931
2021-12-13 07:22:17.199539+00:00 -1
2021-12-13 07:21:40.809214+00:00 -1
2021-12-13 07:21:24.957281+00:00 1
2021-12-13 07:21:02.251406+00:00 1
2021-12-13 07:19:11.621395+00:00 340464
2021-12-13 07:15:01.359817+00:00 170232
2021-11-02 05:21:49.990189+00:00 78345
2021-09-26 20:28:15.163840+00:00 30924
2021-07-14 04:41:39.131162+00:00 282
2021-07-13 04:19:50.719351+00:00 -11420
2021-06-25 04:09:44.654779+00:00 909
2021-06-23 05:53:05.209982+00:00 -2553
2021-06-18 20:08:14.334219+00:00 -6150
2021-06-13 19:45:52.218236+00:00 1390
2021-06-11 22:09:39.917522+00:00 -1269
2021-06-11 22:09:30.368868+00:00 -1
2021-06-11 22:09:20.632353+00:00 635
2021-06-10 23:26:33.201769+00:00 -1382
2021-06-08 04:52:00.987699+00:00 -1463
2021-06-08 00:40:39.367812+00:00 694
2021-06-06 20:54:45.281824+00:00 -2606
2021-06-06 20:53:45.277558+00:00 1303
2021-06-05 01:34:18.993809+00:00 -4
2021-06-05 01:34:03.780918+00:00 1
2021-06-05 01:26:31.685598+00:00 -26510
2021-04-26 16:23:40.493227+00:00 1000
2021-04-26 16:23:10.785541+00:00 -100
2021-04-14 03:51:41.576814+00:00 500